@New-Violet-Otter-3473655367#253892 Hey 👋,
of course you can always decide to cancel your personal account. You have to log in to your personal account and then you can do so easily directly from My Subscription in your Profile.
Follow these steps:
- Go to Profile
- Tap on Settings ⚙️
- Select My plan
- Tap on Close Account
- Select Close my account
At the moment there seems to be a little bug 🐞, if you try to close your account over the app, but bunq is already working on it. You can read more about it here:
So you can contact bunq Support in the app by following these steps, if you also are affected by the bug 🐞 and having problems with closing your account:
- Go to Profile
- Tap on Settings ⚙️in the right corner on top
- Scroll to the bottom, tap on Need help? Get Support, then choose Personal Support