Dependiendo de si lees la web o las condiciones en la App, encuentras que el interés es de 0,09% anual o 0,27% anual.
¿Cuál es la correcta? ¿Se espera que Bunq de más intereses como están haciendo muchos bancos con un 1,7% o incluso 2%?
Ángel Please check this page. Since 1 October 2022, it's 0,27%.
0,27% is very high compared to other Dutch banks. Most Dutch banks have an interest of 0,01% at the moment. An interest of 1,7-2,0% was last seen in 2012.
Ángel It was changed on October, 1st from 0.09% to 0.27% annual. Some sites may not be up-to-date. What bank offers you 2% on you standard deposit? I cann't believe, sorry. Some banks offer higher interest rates on fixed-term deposits, but not on money that you are able to withdraw at any time.
Ángel I am also curious to know which bank is offering 2% interest on a daily accessible account right now. I only know banks offering something like this on accounts where the amount is fixed for at least 12 months.
Dennis Hello Dennis, thanks for your answer! A lot of banks are giving 1% for standard deposit and 2% Just for 12 month of fixed terms. Check Pibank.
Ángel Yeah, but is targeted to spanish citizens only. ;-) Furthermore, this is not how bunq works. Bunq is a bank that was created to be different. Instead of "working" with your money, a great amout is deliberately stored at the ECB.
Markus Hello Markus, your right but those banks at 2% for fixed deposits also offer 1% for standard ones. With no comision.
Bunq only offer 0,27% (since October) and we need to pay for having an account with some normal specifications.
Ángel Other banks earn money by investing with YOUR money. This isn't something bunq does, hence they can't offer high interest rates.