I have create user , user account in sandbox. Now i want to create a card and try to do some updates on card. As i can read in api documentation, end point is {{host}}/v1/user/{{user_id}}/card-debit and in body you need to put some data. First it is not clear in documentation what is what in that request but i found out from existing account but some of them are totally unclear for example what is "second_line" , it should be a string.
Anyway, here is my data in body
"second_line": "0001",
"name_on_card": "Val Cadieux",
"preferred_name_on_card": "Cadieux",
"type": "MASTERCARD",
"alias": {
"type": "PHONE_NUMBER",
"value": "+31610518210",
"name": "+31610518210"
"product_type": "MASTERCARD_DEBIT",
"pin_code_assignment": [
"type": "PRIMARY",
"routing_type": "AUTOMATIC",
"pin_code": "4523",
"monetary_account_id": 428846
"monetary_account_id_fallback": 0,
"order_status": "DELIVERED_TO_CUSTOMER"
and here is the answer i get from a bunq api
"Error": [
"error_description": "Something went wrong at bunq's side. Sorry! Our staff has been notified and will resolve this issue.",
"error_description_translated": "Something went wrong at bunq's side. Sorry! Our staff has been notified and will resolve this issue."
with server statu code: 500 Internal server error ;-0 !
is there anyone who can help with this ? I have no idea what random data should i put in it ;-).
there is also image include of my postman screenshot

thank you