At the moment the balance displayed in the iOS widget will not update automatically, at least not within a reasonable timeframe to be useful. It would be great (and useful) if this could update e.g. every 30mins or something like that to display a current and correct balance
Hey there, @Gerhard-Yellow-Frog#284075 👋 Thank you for bringing this to our attention! I've forwarded it to the appropriate team, and we'll keep you updated on any progress or developments 📣
@sotirios-Black-Moose#284111 There was definitely a change to how the iOS Widget works; I feel like it's updated now on its own; in the past it was updated when opening the app; that is no longer the case; do we have any information how often it would be updating now? I'm not complaining about how it works, I just want to understand how often it should update.
At the moment again the widget does not seem to update at least hourly; I have a transaction more than an hour ago and the widget still shows the old outdated balance
@Gerhard-Yellow-Frog#290780 Hey there, Gerhard 👋 Thank you for getting in touch with us and flagging this issue. Could you please report this problem via the in-app support chat, so that our guides can help you further?
If this is only a problem on my end, I'm fine as-is. If this is a general issue, feel free to report it centrally somewhere. And if others run into the same problem and they're bothered by it they can +1 this as well
For me it does not even work. I only see "Log in to show your balance". When pressing the widget it logs me into bunq but it keeps telling me that I have to login.
Hoe kan ik over boeken van mijn oude rekening naar mijn nieuwe rekening julii zie dat ik allemaal dingen die wat niet klopt ik ben radeloos man ik kan niet aan mijn geld komen eris wat aande hand want het lukt echter niet ik word alleenaar kwaad es Kaadd frrdeme