Hey @thijsoost#285046 , would you mind if we iterated on your work? 😎
If you want you may think of these improvements for your designs:
You used colour blue and orange to communicate what is paid and not paid. That is “indirect info” as their meaning can only be determined by context. Perhaps you can use visual icons for open and completed (instead). These should not require a legend but be self explanatory. ✅⏳You could use emoji to relay the idea as placeholders.
Furthermore, you have grouping based on date, but there are no dates visible in your overview. When that is ‘today’ perhaps that’s redundant but imagine D E F being yesterday, four days ago and 21 days ago. You could showcase how the grouping would work and show human readable relative and absolute dates. (Screen space?!)
Thirdly, perhaps one only want to see open requests that require attention, you could add some kind of filter element that allows to user to hide the completed request. Though if clear icons are used p, that might not be required because open items will stand out compared to paid items.
Last, currently payment requests have an expiration date and their status are (at least) open, finished (paid by everyone), closed-by-user(paid or not), expired(paid or not). If you want you can puzzle where to put that info if one would even need it, but unless bunq changes it business rules, you might find it relevant to mention that F “expires in 7 days” as a kind of heads up. No red though.
(Switch E and F paid status to have it make sense).
It’s up to you to decide if and what you want process, no hard feelings if you skip them.✌️