I am happy that people living in France can produce RIBs to ease the administrative processes now. However, there are some people in my situation that still need to deal with these entities, and thus need to produce RIB documents for the exact same reasons, without living in France nonetheless.
I understand that you want to tailor the experience to match people's situations, and not encumber the app with tons of options that are useless for them, but would it be possible to let everyone access the feature, maybe as an additional single submenu line like "download specific statements" (that, when touched, would show a list of all the special statements you provide) ?
That way, people living in France could still access directly to their RIB as a shortcut, but people abroad could too if they need to deal with french administration. This of course could be generalized for other special documents, not french documents only, and help everyone navigate their favorite administrative hell!
( I refer to this issue https://together.bunq.com/d/658-rib that cannot be replied to for some reason )