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  • Payment with F24 forms to Italian tax department

I'm having trouble paying my taxes in Italy to the tax department (Agenzia delle Entrate). Payment of taxes is done with an so called F24 form. You can do that with internet banking facilities of all Italian banks or directly on the private section of the website of Agenzia delle Entrate. However my BUNQ IBAN is rejected there. Also BUNQ has no F24 function. Having one of those posibilities fixed would be highly desirable, otherwise I'm forced to open an account with an Italian bank once again, which I prefer not to (just closed one). Please help.

    @Martijn-Golden-Jaguar#45829 Hi Martijn!

    Have you tried contacting the Agenzia delle Entrate? They're not allowed to refuse your Dutch IBAN, as that would be a form of IBAN discrimination. They are required to accept it by law. 🤔

      @Sander#45849 Well, I tried, but for these kind of things they're not very approachable... In other words, the people you can call, don't know what to do with the issue.

        @Martijn-Golden-Jaguar#45861 I'm not familiar with Italian institutions of course, but what I would do here is ask them to forward me to a superior until they find someone that can actually help me out. Formally they are not allowed to deny your IBAN, but in practice it can take a long while before companies update their systems/policies sadly. 😟 Maybe another Italian bunq user can share his/her feedback on this matter?

          It's a fringe problem, that (probably) nobody has thought about yet - and they probably continue doing so.
          The process might also be formally defined in some kind of law and/or regulation, that they can't easily change.
          I think you should try to escalate to the competent national authority, and then European Commission.

            6 days later

            @Martijn-Golden-Jaguar I'll also try to contact the Agenzia delle Entrate via the form on their website. I'll keep you posted on their answer!

              @Martijn-Golden-Jaguar#45861 Awe man, I feel you, Italian bureaucracy is the worst! Hope you’ll get this sorted out fast.

                @Martijn-Golden-Jaguar#45829 Hey Martijn! 🤗
                My colleague @Silvia-Lime-Eagle#47102 and I got a reply from the Agenzia delle Entrate regarding the possibility to pay your F24 using your bunq account. 🌈

                They confirmed that it is possible to pay taxes to the Agenzia delle Entrate by performing a bank transfer from a foreign bank account, so this is also possible with bunq. 👍 You will find the IBAN and payment description information which you'll need to use at this page: https://www.agenziaentrate.gov.it/wps/content/Nsilib/Nsi/Schede/Pagamenti/Pagamento+delle+imposte+estero+mediante+bonifico/?page=modpagcitt

                Let us know if anything else comes up and have a great week ahead! ✌️

                  5 months later

                  Hai provato a pagare il modello F24 in qualsiasi ufficio postale con bancomat?

                    @AnDue#47576 yeah, just use the mafia solution: pay no taxes 😂😂! (j/k)

                      8 months later

                      @Matteo-Indigo-Akita-2429416581#47798 Ciao Matteo! Ho provato a pagare un F24 sul sito di Poste Italiane con carta bunq! Ma la carta viene respinta (dicono che non riescono a verificare il 3D Secure di bunq

                        Hi 👋 @gruppoeternity#139516

                        Perhaps you could try with a SEPA transfer for now as @Matteo-Indigo-Akita-2429416581 suggested.

                          @Tim#139529 Non tutti i tipi di tasse si possono pagare con un trasferimento SEPA! Ci sono alcune tipologie di tasse che si pagano solo con F24! Non capisco perché quando provo a pagarle online con la carta bunq il pagamento non viene accettato!

                            @gruppoeternity#139530 There might be a problem with the translation but Matteo contacted the governmental institution and they confirmed you can pay them through a SEPA transfer from bunq. As you can read above.

                            I agree the problem with the card is annoying and strange though and could use some investigation.

                            Edit: Never mind! I see there are different institutions with different acceptance now. 😊

                              @Tim#139531 Ho letto quello che ha scritto Matteo! Ma come dicevo, non tutte le tasse possono essere pagate con bonifico! Alcune si possono pagare solo online con carta o con un IBAN italiano!

                                @gruppoeternity#139530 Probabile che è un problema delle Poste perché anche io ho sempre pagato con la mia carta (UniCredit) ma ultimamente non viene più accettata per gli F24

                                  @Christian-Piano#139535 Ho sentito Poste Italiane che diceva che il problema è il 3D Secure di bunq! Non è aggiornato e quindi non si riesce a pagare con la carta bunq

                                    2 years later
                                    3 months later

                                    Looks like bunq is going to offer soon an Italian IBAN number as some references can be found on the Price list:


                                    I have not seen any communication from bunq, but as it is already on the price list, it must be a matter of weeks... probably need to iron out some of the snags with the Italian Authorities and adapt some of the form for specific Italian payment methods (Ri.BA, RID, MAV and RAV).

                                    I am an expat myself and I am looking forward to have an Italian IBAN.


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