Hey there @New-Burgundy-Gnu-413257649#290220 🤗
Thanks for reaching out to us! Please, note that The Annual Overview can only be exported through the bunq mobile app and it's not available for export via bunq Web. To export the annual overview for your Personal account, you can click here or by following these easy and fast steps:
- Tap on Profile
- Select Accounting under your Personal account
- Tap on Annual Overview
- Select the pdf file you want to check ✅
To find more details about this feel free to check this Together page!
If you still need help, feel free to reach out to our support team by clicking here and they will gladly help you out 🌈
You can also send an email to support@bunq.com. Your safety is our utmost priority, that's why we suggest contacting us via the app as the connection is encrypted and therefore more secure 🔒