Hi everyone,
Using the budgets and/or payment sorter feature, is there a way to top up my main payment account to a certain amount, and then transfer anything exceeding that amount to one or more different sub-accounts? (Bonus if the exceeding amount could be moved based on percentages)
For example:
- I want my main account to always have €1500 after salary comes in
- When salary comes in (either into the main account or an 'inbox'/'incoming' type account, say it is €2000, top up the main account to €1500. The amount could be anywhere between €100 or €800 depending on how much I've spent the past month.
- Send the remaining €1200–1900 to other accounts, e.g. groceries, subscriptions and fixed costs, etc. Possibly with easy budgeting, or just fixed amounts.
- Anything that remains after that, send to sub-account(s) for (extra) savings or fun money. If I can only send it to one account in this step, that's fine (I'll configure a standard amount to send to savings in the previous step)
However the last step is still unclear to me, is there any way to achieve this?