we used to be able to generate a discription for the Bunq.me link. Now they dont show on the payment page and they aren't there in the transaction details. Only when someeone pays with a bunq account the discription does show up.. (bunq.me/pagename/amount/discription)

Betalingen via Bunq.me missen ineens de omschrijving (tenzij betaald met bunq rekening)
we used to be able to generate a description for the Bunq.me link. Now they dont show on the payment page and they aren't there in the transaction details. Only when someeone pays with a bunq account the discription does show up.. (bunq.me/pagename/amount/discription)

Het is sinds 30 augustus. Wat me nu opvalt is dat de iconen van de tegen rekening sinds het moment dat het niet meer werkt, allemaal een IDEAL icoontje hebben, en niet meer het icoontje van de verschillende banken etc.

Ik kan nu dus ook niet meer naar een transactie en via het icoontje van die persoon "maak geld over" om iemand terug te betalen.

Ook heel erg jammer!

    Hey @Cindy-Navy-Shark#296187 πŸ‘‹ Thanks for being a valued member of our community 🌈

    We haven't made any changes to the feature, and it appears that you may be experiencing a bug 🐞

    Could you kindly reach out to our support team through our in-app support center with more details? This way, our dedicated team will be able to troubleshoot efficiently and resolve this as soon as possible πŸ™Œ

      @bozensoy-Peach-Goat#296188 it started 30 august, the icons also changed and i can no longer initiate a refund from the transactions. All icons changed to ideal icons and no longer show the bank of the person.
      I believe something changed in the payment page.. chosing the option to pay by QR code or regular ideal... when this got implemented is when the descriptions no longer came with the transactions

        CS Friedman changed the title to Bunq.me - The discription is missing .
          Maya changed the title to [BUG] Bunq.me - payment description is missing .


            Im experiencing the same bug. It looks like since Bunq switched to AIDEN?

            Some extra info on why this regression is problematic and would like to know if this bug can get prio

            I've been using these links for over two years for sending invoices. I include the invoice number in the description so I can post process them. I don't care about the description not showing up when paying, but since this month, the description is not coming though at all, breaking my Zapier invoice automations.

            Can someone tell me if this bug can be fixed? This is an essential part of my bussiness, and don't want to manually look up 50+ invoices and mark m as paid every month.

              Description missing

              Used to work:

                Hey @Jeroen-Red-Tiger-357884559#296250 and @Cindy-Navy-Shark πŸ‘‹

                Thank you for reporting the issue you're experiencing! Our developers are already aware of the situation and are working on a fix for it πŸ› οΈ

                Before they release a fix, they will thoroughly test everything, to ensure that everything runs smoothly and to give you the best possible bunq experience.

                If you have any doubts in the meantime, always feel free to contact our support team via: https://www.bunq.com/link/support or at support@bunq.com πŸ“© We'll be happy to help!

                  11 days later

                  @bozensoy-Peach-Goat#296253 We would appreciate an update on this matter :)

                    Hey @Cindy-Navy-Shark#296561 πŸ‘‹

                    Our team is still working on fixing this πŸ› οΈ They are currently thoroughly testing everything, which takes time.

                    Rest assured that you’ll be notified in the app once the fix is available πŸ™ Thank you for your understanding and patience in the meantime!

                      16 days later

                      We would appreciate an update on this matter :-)

                        We would also like to hear an update on this issue

                          Hey @BobRomeo#296847 and @Jan-Willem-Red-Penguin#296906 πŸ‘‹ Thank you for participating in our vibrant community, and for your patience so far!

                          Our developers are working hard on finalizing the fix, and I'm happy to inform you that it's planned to be released by the end of this week.

                          If you haven't already, please contact our support team to notify them that you've been affected by the bug, so that we can inform you through in-app notifications as soon as the fix is ready πŸš€

                            Guys you deployed a fix in which the most important information IBAN is not present. It’s not even visible in the bunq app when one pays with iDeal. Please fix the last issue

                              25 days later

                              No piedo verigicar por el numero de telefono fue erroneo

                                Hey @New-Vermilion-Cheetah-2833062575#297488 πŸ‘‹ We'd love to look into this and help you complete your verification!

                                Could you kindly reach out to us at support@bunq.com from the email address linked to your account? One of our guides will assist you as soon as possible πŸš€

                                  5 days later

                                  Hey @Nero194#297571 πŸ‘‹

                                  Please, note that this is a public platform and if you want to connect one of our support guides you can follow this link or follow the steps below in the bunq app:

                                  1. Go to Profile
                                  2. Tap on 🟒 Support

                                  You can also send an email to support@bunq.com. Your safety is our utmost priority, that's why we suggest contacting us via the app as the connection is encrypted and therefore more secure πŸ”’

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