I am wondering why the decision has been made to only grant the free monthly subscription for students who receive Study Financing. As most of you are probably aware, a whole generation of students have unfortunately not been able to get any government benefits for studying except for a student loan that, while said to be free of interest, now has to be paid back with a 2,5% interest rate. To make it worse, if these students study longer than 4 years, even though they never received student financing during their first 4 years, they will still not be able to benefit from the reinstalled student financing policy, because they already "used" their 4 years of eligibility.
It is great Bunq offers free banking for students but this policy again disadvantages the students that already became victims of the 7 years of student loan policy.
I am wondering if this was considered within the Bunq team and whether or not it would be possible to create different conditions for the free banking for students, so that it will not disadvantage this particular group of students.
Wondering what you all think about this issue!