Hey there Frans 👋
Thanks for your question! At bunq, your best interests are always front and center. The rates we offer are closely linked to those set by the European Central Bank, which regularly adjusts them.
To keep offering you great rates, we’ve introduced a bonus interest rate that rewards you for saving more. The idea is simple: the more you save above your threshold, the more interest you earn. We adjust this threshold every six months to reflect your highest balance during that period. For example, on January 1, 2025, your threshold will be based on the highest savings balance you reached between July 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024. You’ll then earn the base interest rate up to that threshold and the bonus rate on any savings above it.
We’re here to reward all new savings, which helps us keep competitive rates for everyone. Whether you’ve been saving with us for years or are just starting out, we’re committed to giving you the best value. Unlike other banks that offer higher rates only if you lock your money away in fixed-term deposits, we give you the flexibility to access your funds whenever you need them, without sacrificing a great interest rate.
Are you curious about how your interest rates are calculated? We’ve got all the details for you on https://together.bunq.com/d/57042
If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to share them here on Together. We genuinely appreciate and consider all feedback! 🙏