Welcome to Together
At bunq, we love to hear the thoughts and ideas our users have about the app, and over the years we've built a great community here on Together. To make sure everyone in the bunq Community has an enjoyable experience, we have a few guidelines we like to follow.
Please keep in mind that this is a public forum, readable by everyone on the internet, so never discuss or share private information. Instead, ask us privately and contact support. No one working at bunq will ever ask you publicly to provide login credentials, security codes, card info, etc.
- Enjoy yourself and spread the joy 🌈
Please contribute to the community’s positive atmosphere by being respectful and bringing those good vibes. Our moderators will step in whenever they see anything negative, disrespectful, spammy or hateful.
Some violations of these guidelines may also lead to a suspension (either temporary or permanent). Of course, feedback in a constructive and positive manner is always welcome—let's create a community you want to be a part of!
Needless to say that cursing, swearing, spamming, flooding, trolling, insulting, asking for money, promoting competitors/other services, posting inappropriate photography and the like is strongly prohibited and may lead to further restrictions.
- Stay unique and be curious 🔎
To keep all knowledge on Together as accessible as possible, it's best to stay on-topic and avoid creating duplicate topics within the same thread. Therefore, it’s best to always double check if your question has already been asked by using the Search option or simply by putting your question into Google.
By keeping everything in one place, it's much easier for everyone to join the convo, pitch in and understand what's going on. Keep in mind that our moderators have the right to remove threads or comments if they’re off-topic or already answered.
- Need help? Ask Support! 📚
Our community is full of knowledge, however in cases where you need help with the app, make sure to reach out to our Support team. They can help you out with any case and assist you in any matter. Keep in mind that once you’ve opened a chat in the Support inbox, your case will be picked up as soon as possible by one of our guides. Please, make sure to keep your conversation active and not close it right after, so that a guide can assist you further.
Meet our Moderators:

These special bunq users are our Moderators. We hold them in high regard and are immensely grateful for all of their (volunteer!) work. They have an eye (and heart) for all bunq users. They also have the right to apply the guidelines above in full force across the Community—it’s their job here 🙌
They also make sure Together is a diverse and exciting place where all different kinds of bunqers enjoy being. They are impartial: to us, to individual users, even to their own personal interests.
If you see a moderator please be respectful and mindful of all their hard work, without them Together just wouldn't be the same.
Enjoy Together 🌈