Hi all, merry Christmas!
Question: I would like to have an account that is on both my wife and me, and also we would like to have 2 bankingcard with both our own names on it, how do we do that?
Hi all, merry Christmas!
Question: I would like to have an account that is on both my wife and me, and also we would like to have 2 bankingcard with both our own names on it, how do we do that?
Hi and welcome! Your exact setup is not possible, but you can come close. A card always has just one name on it, from the person that orders the card, but you can link the card to your joint account. So payments with the cards are done from your legal joint account.
To do this, you should both set up a premium account and order one (or more) cards. Then set up a joint account, link the cards to that account et voila :).
A more budget option is setting up one premium and one free account, but then all cards will only carry the name of one of you.
@Alain-Green-Dragon#51764 You both need bunq Premium and then you create a joint account inside the bunq app. That should be it
It is a bit weird that you can’t get a joint card issued for a joint account. You’d expect that to work. As said in another thread: the alternative is paying €16/month, which is a bit steep if all you want to achieve is having a joint account with your wife hehe.
It’s easier too... You can just take a card with you/share that card, rather than always having to carry your own since sharing a card is prohibited as per the terms of service.
Maybe you can join a bunq Pack? If a pack is full its only €5,- per person, so €6,- cheaper than 2 normal premium accounts
@LH-Black-Wolf#51948 It's weird, but I personally think bunq doesn't want to be used just to have ONE account with your wife. The account with your wife should be one of up to 25 accounts :p
@johannes#51951 Oh true, I mean say you want to use Bunq because you have a usecase for it. Your wife has her own bank account and doesn’t really need anything but a place to deposit salary - so has a normal account. Now you also want a shared account as that’s very handy to have. That’s a problem with Bunq as that also requires the misses to have Bunq Premium; so essentially you’re paying €8 just to have a single shared account with her. I can imagine that’s a major hurdle for many as you can’t really justify that for the intended purpose hehe.
Issuing a shared card that takes up one of your three cards would be very nice. Wife just uses Bunq Free and you share the card.
@LH-Black-Wolf#51952 Please mind that it is officially not allowed to share cards as per the Terms and Conditions. You need permission from bunq for that officially. Also, don't forget to check out bunq Pack, which can lower the monthly fee and make it even more interesting to switch to bunq. 😁
@Sander#51977 Yes that’s what I said already... ;)
And even in a Pack, in the scenario I’ve written above: it’s still €5 extra just for a shared account... which is ridiculous.
In other words: without the option to issue a joint card, Bunq is not attractive at all for people whom just like to add a single joint account to their Premium. (And Bunq isn’t attractive at all to begin with hehe :P) If you as Premium user can issue a joint card for use with a Free user which takes up one of your Premium slots: it costs you nothing or at most costs you €2 extra if you’re out of cards... Now that is reasonable and perfectly acceptable. €5/€8 is simply steep for the outlined purpose.
So I do hope Bunq will consider adding such a feature, because again: €8/month extra on top of your existing fees just to share an account with your wife is simply bizarre. You know, for a “bank of the free” Bunq appears to be anything but flexible and seems to be designed as a cashcow even for what should be common features. I’m sad to see that, as the concept was nice - but the more you use it, the more you run in to limitations I never encountered at other banks (whom were cheaper.).
@LH-Black-Wolf#52005 Cards are personal at bunq because you can change the assigned account at any time. So it makes no sense to issue a "joint card". It would just limit what a card can be used for. bunq isn't about "just a joint account", there's way more you get. We are not going to discuss this any further in this topic however, as this will become another pricing discussion. For pricing related discussions we nowadays forward erveryone to this topic where you are free to share your experiences of course. 👍😁
As for the actual topic here; the answer has been given, the proper way to go is to have 2 Premium accounts and then set up the account and link your cards. 🙂
Cheers. 🌈
@Sander#52014 Yeah I already expected to get some weird excuse for how its setup, it’s of course very convenient that everything is designed in such a way that there’s always an excuse to justify the blatant cash grabbing.
Anyway, the topic you linked to is closed and thus you can’t actually share your experience there at all...
Please point me to the right topic if there is a central one for fee discussions and I’ll gladly add my feedback there. :)
Helaas kent bunq niet de traditionele en/of rekening. Je zal dus 2x een Premium pakket moet afsluiten.
Zou fijn zijn als bunq de traditionele en/of rekening aanbiedt voor de normale premium prijs. Geen enkele logica te bedenken om mensen 2x te laten betalen voor 1 ding wat ze afnemen.