@Tom#62057 There was already a quite similar topic just two weeks ago: https://together.bunq.com/d/7642-how-to-budget-with-accounts
I came from another bank where we had two joint bankaccounts. 1 for all the automatic stuff like wages, mortgage, energy and 1 we used to do shopping.
When we switched to bunq we more or less kept it the same, but I'm (very) slowly changing this to more bank accounts. I should have thougth of it sooner because now I have to log in on websites to change the bank accounts again :sad:
Anyway, what I have now:
- Personal account which is automatically created when opening bunq and hardly used at all (sometimes when I want to experiment a bit wthout generating a lot of notifications for my partner)
- Joint Shopping account: mostly groceries but we use it to pay for gadgets and things like that too.
- Joint Magazine Subscription account
- Joint Car account: insurance, maintenance, tax
- Joint Energy account
- Joint Legal insurance account; I'm not sure the English term is correct: "rechtsbijstandsverzekering" in Dutch
- Joint Creditcard account for our external creditcards
- Joint Child expenses account: child care, swimming, dancing and so on
- Shared Pack account for the bunq invoices of the pack
- Joint Heat pump savings account; we want to get a heatpump in the future
- Joint House expenses account; mainly maintenance costs
- bunq savings goal account; hardly used because almost everything is paid from joint accounts and bunq doesn't support that
- Joint Main Account for all the other direct debits and wages. Some might be split off in the future
So I'm already half way through the 25 accounts I can create. I have to be a bit carefull though because I still got some more old accounts I used to play with when I became a member. When my partner became a member too I had to recreate the accounts as Joint accounts because you can only do that when opening an account and not anymore later on.