Make sure you have the app version 10.12.0, and a Premium, Joint or Business membership.
Go to the cards tab > Swipe to the right > Order a new card > bunq Credit Travel Card.
Jose Aktualisiere deine App!!!
Jose If you have the latest app version and it still does not work, try to force-quit the app and try again
Roeshimi I tried this also , checked everything but it still doesn't work
Ik heb de laatste versie vd app, maar ik zie nog geen optie om de travel card te bestellen
dehaaspeter Did you use the hints pointed out in this thread?
Roeshimi Ja mijn app bleek toch niet ge-update , nu wel dus opgelost. Dankjewel
dehaaspeter Perfect. Have fun
I want to replace my maestro card ( cancel it) ang get instead travel card for free??
Wissem that won't matter; in case you ordered three cards already (irregardless of their current status) then the Travel Card comes with production costs.
Sander Fees free? SANDER
Wissem Sorry? What is your question?
Max I believe that only freezing it is not sufficient, but I am not entirely sure to be honest.
Elise I have frozen my Mastercard (we are Joint User with 4 active cards) but when I try to get another bunq card it just offers me to upgrade to premium model. I have no option to order it.
Sander Yes you might be right. I didn't try to block/disable entirely
Great update. Did not understand the use case but now do. And yes I will get rid of the debit of course and that indeed is a waste but I already gotten over it. The 9 Euro is ok for a better card. Improving your products and services goes step by step and is way better then not improving at all.
Hidde I can only see a human refusing the Debit card as it reads Debit on the card, but it could just be me
Debit and Credit cards have to be electronically identifiable by law (in Europe).
Waar is die speciale travel card dan? Bij doorlinken vanuit mail kom je niet bij de speciale travelcard???
L.e.o. Eerst de app even updaten naar de laatste versie 😊
Is the holder name on the card embossed?
CMR Schoonheim Nee en dat is sinds elektronische acceptatie niet meer nodig. Je ziet steeds minder embosed creditkaarten.
Is er een reden om de debit card te houden naast de travel card en zo ja, welke?