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  • Are you asked for a survey?

Nein, ich habe keine Einladung erhalten!

    I didn't get any offer to take a poll. Somebody else posted the survey question in another thread, and it's no surprise that 81% of people voted the way they did.


    The question is pretty much "do you want us to plant more trees and have a simpler pricing structure or keep the current complex system?". I don't see any indication that everyone would have to pay 8 euros a month, and it's worded in such a way to obviously get the answer they wanted.

      Geen enquete gehad, geen mail gehad. met toeval in de app erachter moeten komen.
      niet wat ik gewend ben van bunq om stilzwijgend een verandering door te voeren.

      erg teleurgesteld en deze actie.
      mijn maandelijkse kosten zijn nu bijna verdubbeld, vraag me af of dit wettelijk wel mag op deze manier

        Nope, I have not seen any survey what so ever. bunq is lying when they say that 81% of the customers agreed to this, no one will. This is just a fake marketing trick and greenwashing.

          Hey bunqers! 👋

          We always keep an eye on Together to see what are the most requested improvements and the most common feedback. We love using this platform to bring us together and to help us improve the bunq experience day after day. Every now and then we also run some surveys on Together or via email, to help us better understand the wants and needs of you, our users. This is how we ensure that we can build a bank tailored to all bunqers.

          Once we launched the Green Card, we received an incredible amount of positive feedback regarding this green initiative! 🌳 At the same time, we've seen that a lot of bunqers wanted to start planting trees with all bunq cards, to achieve an even greener impact on our planet. This is why we introduced the SuperGreen subscriptions.

          As we reached more than 10 different subscriptions, we wanted to simplify the subscription scheme to ensure we can offer and easy and convenient banking experience, also when choosing the subscription best fitting your needs.

          Feel free to keep sharing your suggestions for improvements on Together! We'll be happy to use your feedback to help us improve further as we keep enhancing the bunq app. 🌈

            @Matteo-Indigo-Akita-2429416581#154192 Here’s one: how about trying to do community surveys in a way that results in a realistic result? Like.. NOTIFYING VIA MAIL? Bunq has been amazing sending me a mail per week to tell me about features I already knew. But what about actually using that channel to mail your customers to get real feedback in surveys instead of posting it on your blog?

              @Matteo-Indigo-Akita-2429416581#154192 We ask for data about the poll !
              You closed my thread saying is a duplicate of this one. So share the data...

              This data is nothing personal and does not involve any privacy violation. By omitting the data you confirm that the 81% excuse is just what it seems. An excuse to cover those awful changes you've done...

              I'm really getting tired of Bunq support. And I'm sorry to see that Matteo finally is (hopefully) not a bot spamming the same message

                @JeeeM#153882 There was a survey about the GreenCard subscription!!!!


                  Soooo Bunq, I am really angry about the changes you've done to subscriptions, but could you at least share with us the data of the poll?
                  You keep mentioning that in every reply. We need transparency and the data:

                  • how many voted
                  • how many of them are bunq users
                  • how much time has that poll been opened for

                  Please answer those questions so we stop with all the angry comments.
                  I really think we deserve AT LEAST that!

                    @Matteo-Indigo-Akita-2429416581#154192 Hallo Matteo,

                    teilt uns doch einmal bitte transparent folgende Daten mit:

                    1. An wie viele Bunq Nutzer wurde eine Einladung zur Teilnahme an der Umfrage verschickt.
                    2. Wie viel Nutzer hat Bunq insgesamt?
                    3. Wie viele Nutzer haben an dieser Umfrage teilgenommen.

                      @freakyaxel#154246 Bunq doesn’t need to answer these questions.

                      They can designed their own Pricing model.
                      As „StartUp“ Bank it’s Even more important to find the right Model!

                      If bunq wants to do this. Let them do it.
                      Decide for yourself if you want to stay or not.

                      I don’t know what’s the Problem.
                      Bunq Is compensating a lot of old models with 3 Month free premium. So that users can decide what they want to do.

                      They make planting trees easier, but It costs 9€ more wow

                        I didn’t get any survey. And I’m one of the poepen with a joint account. So this directly affects me. It’s beyond me why this has been done the way it has.

                          Habe auch nie eine erhalten

                            @Lui#154254 Natürlich muss Bunq das nicht. Aber eine Bank die mit dem Versprechen: Zusammen /together an den Markt geht und immer erwähnt das sie alles Zusammen mit der Community machen, kann doch auch Transparenz zeigen? Allen Beteiligten ist klar, dass Bunq Geld verdienen muss. Da wäre aber Ehrlichkeit die bessere Alternative.

                              Never received any survey either.
                              I think they've only surveyed themselves :D

                                I manage quite a few Bunq accounts and no e was asked for a survey. It seems that they just shout something and think that they can get away with it when it’s s ‘green’.

                                  @Indigo-Unicorn#153959 🤣🤣🤣

                                    @Lui#154254 They keep mentioning it, putting the link to the survey (invalid). using that excuse for every change.

                                    They are a fintech startup (also not a startup anymore), saying that tranparency and the customer is important.

                                    Do you find it right if people change their bank to bunq paying a certain amount and after some time they double the price "just because" they are a startup and can do it?

                                    I have every right to say my opinion and I have actually never experienced something like that with a bank, and had many bad experiences with N26 and Revolut as I started to use them just when they started.

                                      @freakyaxel#154280 Where does the double price come from???