MJam Letting only card payments count has an imo very good reason. Not only could you easily fabricate non-real spending if bunq would let regular money transfers count, but they also don‘t generate any income because there are no interchange fees for bunq to collect. Don‘t want to start a price discussion but the subscription includes all kinds of features, multiple cards including one Metal Card. It‘s not just pure profit for bunq.
However, not giving legacy Green Card owners their 2 trees per 100 Euro (at least when they use their Green Card / Metal Card), is just poor form. The bunq community somehow probably planting 50% more trees on average has literally nothing to do with the matter at all. I wonder why they thought this „excuse“ would go over well with people. They are the ones that started with the gamification of banking by implementing awards or the tree counter. They should know best how important these numbers can be to some users who strive to „collect“ or „earn“ more awards / points / trees. Is it stupid to care about this? Yeah, probably. But they started with it, they need to take it seriously.