To guys at bunq:
In this thread we have +/- 100 complaints, but no reaction to any of them by bunq-officials.
But we have 2, now 3, positives, and for the first two, we have immediate "hi-5" by bunq-members.
That means of course you're reading the thread.
However the second worst thing for a company coming into troubled water is: to not communicate, to not react, to not respond.
The most worst thing is of course coming into troubled water in first place.
This thread is meanwhile 4 hours old and perhaps you're feeling like walls are tumbling down. Perhaps you're also simply ignoring the complaining ruckus. Well, for the lattter, the things would be even more worse than I want to imagine. For the first, let's assume that all of your guys are coding. But for what purpose? With what underlying plan? Somewhere above it is mentioned that you want to fix the bug with the invisible online-cards. On-the-fly? Seriously? What about all the other details? Do you already have done an analysis? Where are you? What do you want to do?
I know such situations. The worst thing you can do is to play dead or deaf. You have to react. Or your non-reaction is interpreted as your reaction - and that's never of any good. So, please - start.