Dear Bunq-Team,
I am your customer since 2 years, paying every month a lot of money, to get a good and trustworthy banking-service. Since yesterday. With the launch of your new app, you did something, which is remarkable. You changed from a bank, to a marketing-social-media-company. I am paying to have my accounts at Bunq, not to count trees. And no, I am not interested in how much time I've saved with opening an account at Bunq.
Sorry guys, but you have to go back to the start. That you were rolling out V3 of your app on Android today, after the big shitstorm of iOS-users yesterday, shows, that you don't listen to your customers anymore. You are not interested anymore in customer experience.
Why are you not communicating with us customers and say "sorry, it was a mistake to launch this app"? I can't understand! Instead you act like nothing ever happened. Not hundreds of complaints, not the shitstorm in your community, not the bad ratings in the appstores. No, instead you are celebrating yourself, how "wow" your new app is. No, it is not.
You are a bank and you don't have any stores, in which I can go in and make a transfer. Your store is the bunq-App. And if it is not possible anymore, to do my banking-business as simple as possible in your store (app), than you have failed. And you will lose me as customer.
As mentioned before: WE ARE PAYING for YOUR banking-service! Don't forget! No, it's not free, we are paying every month! And we all want our banking-service back again which was so successful the last months and years. That's why we customers fell in love with Bunq.
Today is a sad day for all Bunq-Users.