The next price increase. The last one has been announced on 31.05.2021 and now the next one? Why, just why? Two price increases within 3 months, congratulations, a new record! The 0,0 % FX Fee was a major advantage of bunq, it was worth to pay almost 9 ⏠per month for me. First the ATM Withdrawal reduction (4 instead of 10), the price increase and now one of the last USPs is gone.
And again, the Easy Bank Account is much more expensive.
That's enough for me! I'm going to terminate my bunq account soon and replace it with my already existing account at a german branch bank. Even they are cheaper and do not increase price every 2 months. For forgein currency i will use my real Credit Card of a well known Luxembourg bank which still has 0 % FX. It cost me less then bunq do (2,70 ⏠a month instead of 8,99 ⏠as easy Money Member or 6 ⏠as Pack Member)
And you know what bother me most? That the people, who have payed upfront can't get the money back (and the new network fees apply for them too). I payed upfront as there was no FX Fee (the ATM thing and the price increase was acceptable to me)