@Ali#37155 Hello Ali,
I'm disappointed with the change "Simplified limits".
We could manage the deactivations of the magstripe, contactess, online with CVC, online without CVC, ATM, ...
I kept the limit by card, not the overall limit.
You have removed all security cards now. We can no longer manage ATM disabling, Magstripe, ...
This is a very bad thing, because the customers who wanted could keep everything active. And the others like us, we could manage each limit (ATM, Magstripe, ...).
It was a security for us, but also for you. For example, if I blocked Magstripe and ATM, a copied card could not debit my account. Now the fraudsters can, and it is bunq who will have to pay because it will have to return the money to the customer.
I know that on the documentation API you had changed decision and you had delivered the documentation.
I do not know if you will agree to put the old limits on the cards.
We lose security now, and bunq is exposed to more risks.
It would have been enough to leave a simplified global limit for customers who do not want an individual limit. And those who want an individual limit we kept ATM, Magstripe, Contacless, CNP with CVC, CNP without CVC, ...
With this new decision, we have less limitation than a conventional bank.
My bank allows to choose country by country and the authorized functions (ATM, CNP, ...).
I do not understand the decision of bunq.
Instead of maintaining security, you put less security and more risk.
I do not think the customers were "stupid" and did not know how to use the limits.
It's very strange. Normally we elevate the clients upwards. We educate customers to more service and security. There you shoot everyone down. :-(