• Community
  • Feedback: Ukrainian and Russian translation!

Ми постаралися якомога швидше зробити додаток bunq простим у використанні. Однак ви можете зустріти деякі переклади, які могли б бути кращими. Або, можливо, є інші покращення, які, на вашу думку, можуть принести користь людям, які цього потребують. поділіться цим тут.

Мы постарались сделать приложение bunq простым в использовании для вас как можно быстрее. Тем не менее, вы можете заметить некоторые ошибки в переводе, о которых вы можете сообщить нам. поделись здесь

We tried to make the bunq app easy to use for you as quickly as we could. However, you may come across some translations that could be better. Or maybe there are other improvements you think could benefit people in need. Share it here!

    Hello, thank you for Russian and Ukrainian languages ❤️ I noticed a small mistake in Russian version: «ваш сообщения» should be “вашИ сообщения» because it plural. ❤️

      @New-Azure-Waterbuck-2352474584#246987 Hi there, thanks very much for helping us make bunq better! We'll improve this with the next release of the bunq app :)

        Дайте мені електронну пошту відповідальної людини, яка буде виправляти похибки, я можу по тестувати і по робити скріншоти. Як раз навчаюсь на тестувальника ПО, буде мені практика .

          @New-Yellow-Gopher-2817869872#247149 You can post screenshots right here in this thread inside a comment. Or feel free to upload a document with all the information (Word, Excel, Google Docs etc.) and put a link here. This thread is monitored by bunq employees exactly for the reason of improving the Ukrainian and Russian translation of the app.

            2 months later

            @bunq#246838 The "Russian" version is completely unusable. If you have the translation table open sourced somewhere, I can try pull requesting a reasonable translation.

              @Vadim-Violet-Penguin#259091 But even if you just remove the "Russian" version, this will make my user experience as a Russian speaker a lot better, because I will be able to switch other apps on my phone to Russian.

                @Vadim-Violet-Penguin#259102 Don't all phone operating systems support setting the language per app nowadays? I set individually different languages for many apps.

                  @Jakob-Y#259150 I couldn't find it on my Android and bunq's own manual for changing the app's language on Android tells you to switch the phone's language

                    @bunq#246838 10360

                    Hi Zvonko, thank you for your contribution on our community forum Together! 🙌 To keep the forum accessible and enjoyable to everyone, I'll go ahead and hide your post because it is off-topic. (Take a look at our Community Guidelines for more info.) You can always create your own thread or search for related threads by using the search function. 🔍 Thanks for your understanding - Jakob, Together moderator

                      2 years later

                      @bunq#246838 Witam,a dlaczego nie ma tłumaczenia na język Polski?🙂

                        Hey there @New-Lime-Husky-3098241868#290208 😊

                        Thank you for your involvement in this topic, it is greatly appreciated! I have proceeded with informing our team of your suggestion. If we implement your suggestion, we will make sure to notify you so you’re one of the first to use it 🚀

                          3 months later
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