Comment faire pour obtenir un iban et un bic français?
Felipe Hi 👋 there, At this document you will probably get all the needed info:
Regards 🌈 GG
Felipe Check:
GG Sorry 🙏 for double message, You will get the IBAN as soon as your account is verified and active and it is visible in the bunq App once you tap on the sub account tyke… right on top of the sub account form. Have a great evening 👍 GG🌈
Le problème c'est qu'en choisissant le compte local il n'y a pas la France :S
Felipe Yes, because you're a French resident. You should be getting a FR IBAN by default. The Local IBAN feature is only for people who want IBANs from other countries where they do not reside in. What IBAN did you get? Something else than FR?