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Hey bunqers 🌈
Navigating your finances should be as simple as possible, and that includes accessing your savings. At bunq, we've designed our Savings Account with user-friendly features to make managing your money a breeze. To encourage you to save the money for your next vacation, we've limited the withdrawals to 2 per calendar month.
You can withdraw all of your money or choose a partial amount - the choice is yours!
Important note: Keep in mind that the limit of 2 monthly withdrawals applies to all of your Savings Accounts. You have 2 monthly withdrawals for your Personal Savings Accounts and 2 separate for your Business Savings Accounts in total.
Only internal transfers between your Personal Savings Accounts don’t count towards the monthly limit.
The limit is automatically reset at every 1st of the month (01:00am CET). Keep in mind, that transferring money from your Savings account to your child's Savings account also counts towards the limit, as these are two distinct Personal accounts.You can see more about this here (Section “Good to Know”)
How do I withdraw all of my money?
Check out the steps below to see how:
- Go to Home tab
- Tap on your Savings Account
- Tap on Withdraw All
- Select a Bank Account to withdraw the money to
- Withdraw ✨
How can I partially withdraw a certain amount from my Savings Account?
- Go to Home
- Select the Savings Account in question
- Click on 🔴 Withdraw
- Select the amount you want to withdraw
- Done ✅
How can I turn a Savings Account into a Bank Account?
If you experience any difficulties withdrawing your money or you want faster access to your savings - you can convert one of your Savings Accounts into a regular Bank Account! It's easy - once per calendar month you have the possibility to turn a Savings Accounts into a Bank Account and manage it as explained here.
How? Simply follow these steps:
- Go to Home
- Select the Savings Account you want to convert
- Click on Setting (⚙️)
- Select ‘Convert to Bank Account’
- Confirm
Note: Keep in mind that you won't receive interest for a Savings Account which was turned into a regular Bank Account.
How can I do internal transfers between my Personal Savings Accounts?
Simply follow these easy steps:
- Go to Home
- Click on 🟠 Pay
- Enter the amount
- Click on From and select your Savings Account
- Click on Choose Recipient
- Select 🟧 My Accounts
- Select the Savings Account you want to top up
- Send Payment
- Done!
Which payments count towards the withdrawal limit?
- Automated payments which you've set up from your Savings Accounts do count towards the limit.
- Transfers from your Savings Accounts to your regular Bank Accounts count towards the limit.
- Withdrawals from any Joint Savings Account count towards your monthly withdrawal limit.
Which payments don't count towards the withdrawal limit?
Internal payments between your Savings Accounts aren't counted towards your withdrawal per month.
Related topics
- What's a Savings Account and how do I create one?
- What is a Joint Savings Account and how do I create one?
Want to learn more? Explore more bunq knowledge here ✨