- GeorgiRookieCO2 Saver
I am trying to open an account with regular bulgarian ID, same as IDs of my friends, which you accepted. What's wrong with mine?
I am trying to open an account with regular bulgarian ID, same as IDs of my friends, which you accepted. What's wrong with mine?
@New-Aquamarine-Hare-1388050451#254963 For users in Bulgaria, ID cards are (no longer?) accepted. Please provide your passport or driver's license.
@thijsoost#254966 I'm bulgarian, but live and work in Netherlands and will use the card only in Netherlands, you still need passport or driving license?
@New-Aquamarine-Hare-1388050451#254972 You need a valid form of identification. Do you have a Dutch passport, ID card or driver's licence?
Bunq still needs a valid form of identification, otherwise you're not allowed to open a bank account, unfortunately.
@thijsoost#254973 No. Thank you.
@New-Aquamarine-Hare-1388050451#254977 You can use the Dutch residence permit that you get after registering in The Netherlands. That should be a plastic ID card that looks like this:
@Jakob-Y#254990 I have another document from the Dutch government and it is a BSN number/permission of work. In order to get this permission from the municipality of Venlo, I had to prove where I stay and where I work and I stay at hidden
@New-Aquamarine-Hare-1388050451#255026 This is a public community forum, we're not employees. Please don't put any of your personal details here. As said above, if you have a residence permit card like shown above, you can use that for identity verification. I wasn't talking about any other kind of document.
More info about accepted documents can be found here: https://together.bunq.com/d/3355