@DvdS#256050 Depends on how much you trust the merchant/person. Regular bank transfers, which includes things like iDEAL and Tikkie, are very much akin to handing over cash. Once the money is gone, it's gone. Of course a bank could give you your money back, but it would always need to come out of their own pockets. People really like to complain about credit card fees etc. but there is value in having a third-party escrow system in place when making transactions with entities you don't fully know.
From Tikkie FAQ:
Wat balen om te horen dat je bent opgelicht. Het is net als bij een normale overboeking niet mogelijk om het geld terug te boeken of een betaling te annuleren via Tikkie.
U kunt een iDEAL-betaling niet terugdraaien. Wanneer u akkoord geeft voor de iDEAL-betaling, kan deze handeling door de bank niet ongedaan worden gemaakt op uw initiatief. Net zoals bij een PIN-betaling in een winkel.
What that means for you is up to you of course, but me personally, I hugely prefer credit card payments. Only if it's a merchant I trust a lot, then I might also pay with bank transfer or similar payment methods.
And OP @Anne-Blue-Panda#256033 your best bet is unfortunately speaking with your local law enforcement as soon as possible: https://www.politie.nl/aangifte-of-melding-doen#link-internetoplichting You might also want to try to contact bunq and the merchant's bank (can be inferred from the IBAN).