Hey bunqers 🌈
In your Profile tab you can find all the tools you need to manage your personal information, data, settings and preferences. Check out the features you can use on this tab below:
Your Forest
Whenever you open the Profile tab, you'll see your forest where you can see the amount of trees you’ve planted while banking with bunq. The more your forest grows, the more you offset your CO2 Footprint. You can monitor your monthly progress by keeping track of the total number of trees you’ve planted, and see how much CO2 all your trees are offsetting. Each of the mangrove trees you plant offsets 12.3 kg CO2 per year.
Additionally, every 100th tree you plant will be a golden tree. Head to the app to check it out ⭐️
Want to see your Business' forest? Simply click on the menu above your personal forest, and select your Business account.
bunq Points
Earn bunq Points by paying with your bunq card and claim exclusive rewards - enjoy free bunq months, a Metal Card, travel discounts, and more!
More details on bunq Points, how to earn them, and what rewards you can get can be found here.
Total Cashback earnings overview
Personal bunq Elite users and Business bunq Free, Core, Elite, and Pro users can see the total Cashback they’ve earned from all eligible transactions, just below their forest.
Learn more about the Cashback feature here.
Earn more Cashback with friends
With bunq Elite plan, you have the ability to extend your Cashback benefit to a maximum of two friends. This allows them to gain up to 1% Cashback on eligible transactions. What's more exciting is that each time they earn Cashback, you do too.
Invite your friends to join bunq so they can get their Virtual Credit Card, and enjoy the shared Cashback perk with you.
Learn more about earning extra Cashback with friends here.
bunq Pack
With bunq Pack you can enjoy up to 4 bunq Personal Easy Bank Pro or 3 bunq Personal Easy Bank Pro and 1 Business Easy Bank Pro plan, for one simple fee! Start your own bunq Pack with just a click by using the bunq Pack shortcut on your Profile tab.
Want to learn more about this cool plan option? Click here
Change plan
Changing your plan just got easier - now you can switch your plan fully from your Profile tab.
See how to do so here and you can check all of our available plans here
Do you need to export a bank statement or check a detailed overview of your invoices? The Accounting tab will give you all you need to keep track of your account in one place!
- Want to export a bank statement? Check how here
- Want to export an Annual overview? See how here
Personal Contact Info
Looking to update your address, phone number or email address? You can easily edit your contact info directly from your Profile tab!
Contact Support
Do you need further help with an issue? Our Support team is always here for you! Now you can contact Support with just a click - simply click on 🟢 Contact Support
Want to learn more about how our Support works? Learn more here
Developers section
Do you need Oauth or your API keys? Now you can find this info in our new Developers section at the bottom of the Profile tab 💪
Settings (⚙️)
▫️Change security code - change your security code fast and easy, just click on “Change security code” and choose your new code
▫️Face ID / Biometric - turn on, set up and turn off your Face ID / Biometric login settings from here
▫️Auto logout - set your the Auto logout timer setting from here
▫️Devices - you can check a list of all the devices which you’re currently using and you’ve used in the past
▫️App connections - check all the app connections with other apps/settings of your phone
▫️Delayed payments - If you want to have all your payments processed instantly, you can disable the Delayed Payments feature.
▫️Light mode
Manage all of your bunq notifications in one place! Now you can enable and disable the following categories of notifications and contacts’ availability:
Log Out
Want to log out of your bunq account? Simply click on ⚙️, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on Log out
Related topics
Want to learn more? Explore more bunq knowledge here 🌈