Hey bunqers 🌈,
At bunq, we offer different types of bank statements that you can export based on your needs. These include a standard bank statement, an annual statement, a single transaction statement, and a card statement.
Each statement type serves a unique purpose and can be exported in a format that suits your requirements. In this topic, we’ll walk you through the different types of bank statements and show you how you can easily export them from your bunq account.
Bank Statement
A bank statement provides a detailed record of all transactions conducted through a specific Bank Account within a specified time frame. It not only tracks your incoming and outgoing payments but also serves as a valid proof of ownership, as it includes essential details such as the owner's name and the IBAN. To generate a bank statement, simply follow the steps outlined below:
- Tap on your Profile in the top left corner
- Select Accounting
- Select Export Bank Statement
- Enter the time period you want the statement for and select your preferred format (PDF, CSV or MT940)
- Tap on Export Statement
Further information can be found here.
Card Statement
A card statement provides a detailed record of all transactions made with a specific card within a specific time frame. This statement includes your name, the last four digits of your card number, and the name displayed on the card. Additionally, it indicates the IBAN used for each transaction, which is particularly handy if you have multiple IBANs linked to your card. This document can be utilized for your personal financial tracking or as evidence of card ownership. To export one, follow the steps below:
- Tap on your Profile in the top left corner
- Select Accounting
- Click on Card Statements
- Export your statement 🚀
Or you can follow these steps:
- Go to the 🏠 Home tab
- Tap on the Cards tile and select the card in question
- Click on ⚙️
- Click on 🟢 Export card statement
- Export your statement 🚀
Further information can be found here.
Statement of a single transaction
The statement of a single payment can serve as a proof of the transaction. It can also be used for personal administration, accounting purposes, or for tax purposes, as it provides details about the payment such as the date, amount, sender, and recipient. To export one, you can follow the steps mentioned below:
- Go to the 🏠 Home tab
- Go to the relevant account
- Find the payment and tap on it
- Tap on Export
- Tap Save
- Done ✅
More details about exporting statement of a single payment can be found here.
Standard Bank Statement
A standard bank statement provides a detailed overview of your Business accounts and credit facilities with your bank. It not only tracks your payments and credit agreements but also confirms who’s authorized to act on behalf of a company. We use the format for standard bank statements of the ‘Nederlandse Beroepsorganisatie van Accountants’ (NBA). To request one, reach out to our Support team by providing them with the following info:
- Name of accounting firm and address
- Name of accountant and email address
- Name and email address of the person we should send a copy to
- Preferred language (Dutch or English)
- In cases where the accountant is requesting the standard bank statement, please confirm that the company owner is aware of our fee (listed below)
Further information can be found here.
Annual Overview
An annual overview provides a detailed report of your Personal or Business account’s activities for a given year. It includes a detailed summary of all transactions, balances, and other account-related activities that occurred within that year. This statement can also be used as a document for annual tax reporting. You can export an annual overview for the past year in each January of following year by following the steps mentioned below:
- Tap on your Profile in the top left corner
- Scroll down to find the account for which you want an annual overview
- Select Accounting
- Tap on Annual Overview
- Select the pdf file you want to check ✅
Further information can be found here.
Statement of fees
A statement of fees is a document that shows all the fees charged for a bunq account in the previous year. It can be used for tax purposes or personal administration. To export one, follow the steps mentioned below:
- Tap on your Profile in the top left corner
- Scroll to your Personal, Business your minor's account
- Select Accounting
- Tap on Annual Overview
- There you will see your statements of fees listed per year, you can select the one you need and export it in different ways.
Further information can be found here.
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