• Savings Account Knowledge
  • How we prioritize your Savings: Ensuring the best possible interest rate

Hey bunqers 🌈

At bunq, our top priority is ensuring that our users always receive the best possible interest rates for their savings. Our interest rates are directly influenced by the European Central Bank, which adjusts its rates regularly. To continue providing competitive rates, we’ve introduced a bonus interest rate designed to reward you for saving more.

This approach is focused on promoting all new savings, whether you’ve been with us for years or are just beginning to save more.

How are we different from other banks?

While some banks offer fixed-term deposits that may seem competitive, they often require you to lock your money away for extended periods. At bunq, we prioritize giving you both a high interest rate and the flexibility to access your funds whenever you need them. In fact, in comparison bunq offers one of the very best interest rates on the market.

Wondering how the new MassInterest bonus rate works? Check this topic for further information.

Have an improvement idea? Share it with us!

We’re always here to listen. If you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to share them here. Your feedback is invaluable and helps us continue improving our services.

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