I have different sub accounts for different purposes (e.g. my phone bills or insurances). These sub accounts are based on certain topics. Several parties get the money from these accounts via direct debit.
However, not all costs are monthly based. Take for example my hosting sub account. There, some monthly costs are involved (e.g. the servers) as well as yearly costs (e.g. for my domains).
Currently I have to keep track of all these payments in an extra sheet to calculate the amount to sort from my salary with the Payment Sorter to break down the yearly costs (or for example costs every three months) to a monthly amount.
For me, this is something bunq could incorporate in the Payment Sorter. There, I would like to be able to keep track of the payments from a sub account (monthly, yearly and for example every 3rd month) and their amount to easily break it down to a monthly amount which is automatically sorted to the account.
In addition, if for example an insurance rises their prices, bunq could keep track on what portion for the next payment already was sorted to the sub account and then can assist me to add additional money to the sub account the money will be deducted from once I change the amount in the payment sorter.
I would like not to have it based strictly on the payments in bunq itself as for example my hosters try to bundle several close invoiced into one payment to reduce costs for them. Therefore, it would be ideal for me to have my "tracking sheet" in bunq itself with the option to also add payments from the accounts.