In my humble opinion adding an extra IBAN number just creates more clutter and noise on the physical card. If you link it to a different account in the future it becomes outdated.
Let me mention my answer from above to this question:
Or simple: We have it on the bunq Maestro cards, so why not also on the bunq Mastercards for bunqers who don't need any Maestro?
In the Netherlands, Germany, .. you need a Maestro and you have "luck", because bunq prints the IBAN on it for you, so it's not really an issue for you, but what is with countries like Ireland? Currently bunqers from this countries would normally need no Maestro, but because bunq only prints the IBAN on the Maestro, they still need to "waste" one of their 3 card for that, if they feel the need for an IBAN on the card.
The only reason that I can think of why IBAN’s are helpful on cards is that the customer can look it up there. For other things like filling out a direct debit form at a shop.
I can only tell from my experience: I walked into a mobile operator shop and they didn't want to do a direct debit without the IBAN checked on my card, now just with a bunq Debit Mastercard I would have need to walk away. It's great that bunq is all about freedom and new ways, but I don't really care about that, when I get into problems in real life thanks to that.
Das finde ich auch etwas seltsam, vor allem da ja gerade bei Prepaid-Karten nicht mal mehr ein Name drauf steht.
Was hat das mit Prepaid Karten zutun? Es geht um Lastschriften, und die bunq Karten sind keine Prepaid Karten.
Even in such cases, having the account number on the cards seems somewhat pointless if companies are discriminating against "suspicious" foreign bank accounts. That is, might not be getting the contract in question anyway, without a local bank account. These reports seem to be a regular occurrence here on Together, from France for instance (though bunq seems to delete or crack down otherwise on these repeating questions, happened to one I read only yesterday that is inaccessible now).
They also check it for local banks, at least the merchants I have met. It has nothing to do with "suspicious" foreign bank accounts, it has more something to do with "is the chance high that the provided IBAN is actually the account of this person". Of course I could "steal" a card from a person with the same name, but the chances for that are not really high.
And to be fair: Just checking the card is an easy and really cheap way to check the account holder, not 100% bullet proof, but better than nothing.
So your comment perfectly said what my point is here, expect for the "suspicious" foreign bank part - it's just, and yes - I couldn't believe it at first too - for the name check, nothing else.
And to all: It's great that you don't need it, but most of you have at least the chance to get it, In case you do at some day, thanks to the Maestro card.
BUT there aren't just Dutch customers at bunq anymore and some countries don't use the Maestro Card, for them this would be an nice option in my opinion. And as you can see on the pictures I created above, it could be implemented in a really slim way and on the travel card we don't even have the signature field anymore, so even more room.