@smyles#97140 I would have expected that everyone should have been told that the Free Plan was going to disappear before it happened. As you have seen from the responses, there are a few who were in the middle of their trial Premium period and were planning to switch to Free.
I disagree with you here. Why would you announce to Premium members that Free disappears? Because they might potentially downgrade in the future? At the moment you want to change plans you always get a listing of the possible options. Those who were already on Free can keep using it. Together is the communication channel of bunq, all of their other channels point here as well. π
Yes, they could have announced that Free disappeared. But to be honest, when you run a business, would you advertise "Look we have some changes that allow you to do (...)" or would you say "Look, we canceled one of our existing plans!"?
You seem to be focussing a lot on this particular thing now. So let me extend a bit on why I do think communication went well this time;
- Moderators were brieved upfront: we went through the documentation thoroughly and came up with a gazzilion extra questions that were addressed in the middle of the night by bunq, such that information was as complete as possible during launch.
- We made sure to split the FAQ and Questions sections such that we can update the FAQ topic with most important questions that we missed, this way the FAQ topic would not have many many comments but still would contain the most important info.
- The extensiveness of the info in the initial topics was way better than with previous launches.
- The amount of topics about unclarities is significantly lower than with previous launches, you can't see that, because previously we would be hiding topics like crazy. But we easily hid nearly 100 topics if I estimate, while yesterday I could still count them on one hand.
You can obviously still disagree with me, I won't continue repeating my opinion obviously, but I hope you do see that we mods/bunq changed (mostly based on community feedback btw!) in regards to the communication process for this new feature.
@Karl-Grey-Shark#97143 I would love to stay a customer but obviously bunq does not want me to.
bunq definitely wants you, but bunq's services come at a price, and it seems you do not think it's worth it. That's obviously a personal choice. bunq offers a few services for free, but not everything can be free. Apparently the former contents of Free weren't sustainable/working to convert customers so it seems like a logical decision to change it. It is not like bunq was earning anything on Free, it was literally a free option they chose to provide (bunq still needs to pay that part of the staff/infra/... at the end of the month tho).
@JeroenE#97158 Sander Zo heel duidelijk is de communicatie van bunq echt niet. Jij schreef zelf gisteren nog dat mensen met een bestaand Premium abonnement wel terug naar Free konden gaan (zie hier Sander). Dat heb je ondertussen wel verbeterd, maar ik vind dat soort zaken echt niet vallen onder het kopje "duidelijke communicatie".
You are completely right. There were still some small things that we missed, which we fixed within hours. I'm very sorry for that, we humans missed something as well. ππ But, most things were communicated. When you start searching you will always find things that can be improved/went wrong.
@JeroenE#97158 En waarom kan bunq dat soort grote wijzigingen niet gewoon zelf duidelijk plaatsen
That's what they do on Together here right? π
The announcement topics were pretty much trending yesterday/today. π Also, you can still revert to a Free plan, though it does not contain a bank account anymore but a (very much requested) card instead. The information was correct, and now has been updated to reflect the new situation. π (and in case you find something where they forgot to update, definitely let us/bunq/report@bunq.com know)
Okay, long post, have a nice evening. βοΈ