We all remember our very first salary (at least I do) and we all used it in different ways. Some of us saved it all to reach our goal quickly (not me), some of us saved a bit and spent the rest (not me) and others spent it all the way (me) and took longer to reach their goal. The moral of the story is: always listen to your parents when they say “you should start saving now”.
What was the first goal you saved for and how long did it take you?
Here are some of our fellow bunqers’ answers:
- An engagement ring 💍 I used Auto Save and it helped a lot. Also, Savings Goals encourage you not to pay out money as you wish, making it easier to stay the course!
- A sports car 🏎 I used Zapier to save up money I had left over to buy the car of my dreams! Discover how you can use Zapier to automate your savings here
- A sunny holiday 🔆For this, I used the magical Payment Sorter, in 6 months I was ready for the swimming pool 👙
Do you have any tips for a new bunqer who wants to try to save too? We will choose our favorite ones and share them in a new topic in June, stay tuned!
You can also (re)read our last topic to know how to save €1378 in a year!