• Bugs Reported
  • Sub-accounts not visible

I have two sub accounts that I can’t access anymore

    Same here, I got 15 total, including some shared... I can only see six. This is really annoying

      Tim changed the title to Sub-accounts not visible on Android (V3).


        Bedoel je dat sommige rekeningen niet zichtbaar zijn of andere accounts zoals bijvoorbeeld een zakelijk account?

          Tim changed the title to Sub-accounts not visible.

            Same problem here. I have little money on my main account and I need to actually send money to the main account or I can't pay my bills. I hope this is fixed very soon

              bunq Sorry, I like bunq very much, but this is kind of unacceptable. Such a big overhaul of the app, but no way of switching back to the old version. I need acces to my money, its the most basic first feature a bank should offer. You should have canary-tested this. Clicking the links gives me a black page and I seem to be unable to copy paste it.

                Helemaal eens, dit is absoluut onaanvaardbaar.
                Zou fijn zijn als er snel een update komt over op zijn minst de voortgang.
                Ik moet bij al mn zakelijke rekeningen kunnen. Dit kan echt niet waar zijn.

                  Het is overigens niet enkel Android, iOs heeft hetzelfde probleem.

                    For me the problem is fixed! :) All (sub)accounts are visible again. Thanks Bunq! Glad this is solved. That is the important thing. But it would be really appreciated if you response on chats. To take away concerns. But I am happy now.

                      I'm missing 23 accounts! Only 2 left, they are available when linking to a card and also show in the total amount. But I can't check my expenses and income on those accounts. Priority number 1 for a bank is being able to check your account

                        My shared account is no longer visible. The only way I can see the balance is to go via cards, select a linked card, and then change accounts. This is the most basic feature of a bank.

                          Jason That is my problem as well. My wife made most accounts (I'm longing back to the simple days of a Joint account) and we are sharing all of them. However I cannot see any of those.
                          My wife however is still able to see the accounts that I made and shared.

                          I think the worst about all of this is the support, it says to check the forum for bug reports. If bunq wants to make sure I don't feel like a customer they are doing it right. I feel like I don't matter at all.

                            Meer de helft van mijn rekeningen zijn niet zichtbaar! Onder andere mijn spaarrekening en zakelijke te rekeningen. Dit is werkelijk onvoorstelbaar en schandalig! Hoe kan bunq in hemelsnaam een nieuwe versie uitbrengen met zulke grove bugs.

                              On Android and my shared account as well as 3 of my sub accounts are not visible! Month end coming up and payments need to be done! This needs to get fixed asap!

                                Claudia Earlier today, my shared accounts also disappeared again. There was an update for bunq ready in the playstore again. I tapped on update and then I could see the accounts again.

                                @bunq It's still unacceptable that we cannot see our accounts.