• Bugs Reported
  • [REPORTED] Category change issue - wrong Insights calculation

I also have the problem. Often other accounts are also considered in insights while I have only selected a single account. After selecting and deselecting, it works again.

    I’m having the same issue (since the introduction of Insights). Very annoying, as it seems bunq knows the right category for a transaction but somehow decides to list it in another (random) category.

      2 months later

      ℹ️ I’ve reported the issue through private chat with a screen recording illustrating the issue.

      Hopefully it will be fixed in the near future:

      “I have now escalate this to our respective team to check and fix for you and the other users experiencing this.“

        Hi bunqers 👋

        Thanks for reporting this bug to us! Please note we have indeed escalated this to our developers team, and we will let you know once it's fixed 🙌

        For now I wish you a great day ahead 🌈


          9 days later

          Ik heb dit probleem ook:
          Als een betaling in een verkeerde categorie staat en ik wijzig de categorie bij de betaling, wordt deze niet (altijd) bijgewerkt bij 'insights' en 'budget'.
          Bijv. de categorie bij een betaling staat op 'algemeen' , ik wijzig die naar 'bedrijfsuitgaven' , via insights en budget blijft de betaling op 'algemeen' staan. Bij de betaling is daarna wel de juiste categorie zichtbaar.
          Verversen of opnieuw inloggen/opstarten biedt geen oplossing.

            2 months later

            Hi bunqers 👋

            Could you please let us know if you are still experiencing this issue, as we were not able to reproduce it, hence fix it for you. If you have additional information regarding this please send it over, for security reasons you can also send us a message in the support chat (Profile > MENU > Get private support). Thank you for your cooperation 🙏

            For now I wish you a nice rest of your weekend 🌈

              6 months later

              Nikoleta 🇧🇬🇬🇧 Just gave insights a try again, after I read about an updated Insights in the bunq Update 18 mailing. Unfortunately, the issue still exists and we still can’t use Insights… very disappointing 😢

                7 days later

                Reüel I am sorry to hear that! I've reached out to you in the app, so please check my message and respond to it. Thank you 🙏

                  2 months later

                  Thank you for letting us know! I have informed our team about it and we will get back to you once there are news 🌟

                    2 months later

                    Hi guys, I also have the problem that some transaction are not shown correctly in the insights. Any update?

                      Same here. Posted a separate discussion. When changing categories, the transactions disappear from the category they were before, but when you go back the changes are not reflected. Moreover, when you return to the category from where you removed transactions, they are back, although labelled with the changed category. I can understand that it would take a lot of resources to rebuild the insight report each time you change a category for a transaction, there should be a way to rebuilt the whole report when done.

                        7 days later
                        a month later

                        Leider habe ich dasselbe Problem. Ausgaben werde in Insights teilweise gar nicht angezeigt, obwohl sie einer Kategorie zugewiesen wurden.

                          André Manchmal kann es ein paar Stunden dauern, bis sich die Insights vollständig aktualisiert haben. Besteht das Problem auch nach 24 Stunden noch, nachdem du die Kategorie vergeben hast für die Zahlung?

                            Mittlerweile werden die Kategorien in den Insights angezeigt. Allerdings ist die Verzögerung schon enorm. Gibt es evtl eine Möglichkeit diese Funktion in Echtzeit abzubilden in zukünftigen Updates?

                              a month later

                              Ja ik geraak er niet meer in