@pqckmqn#243217 I couldn’t agree more. I think there is no other bank like bunq, not even close.
No question that bunq is rapidly growing, both the app and company. And bunq isn’t your typical bank to say the least 👏🌈…
I can imagine that there is a small, yet sometimes vocal group… that isn’t happy with bunq direction these days, especially in regard to social and environmental features. And that is of course perfectly fine, bunq isn’t the best fit for everybody. And there is a lot to choose from these days.
Personally I think people who don’t like the bunq way of doing things (anymore), should seek for a bank that is a better fit, instead of complaining and sometimes in an almost aggressive way. Or give some positive feedback so we can have a discussion ;)
Unfortunately, we have learned in the past that scammers that got kicked out of bunq, sometimes do end up writing negative reviews. So, don’t believe all the reviews you come across.
But anyway… let’s all focus on all the positive things there is to say about bunq. And also lets share all the ideas we all have make the app and this community even better! Is there anything that comes to mind that you would like to see improved?