Hallo ... ich würde gerne hier mein Konto kündigen. Komm da überhaupt nicht mit klar... wird immer geschrieben: Konto kann nicht geschlossen werden solange ein anderes Konto aktiv ist?!
Elke HI 🖐, I am not sure where you get this warning. This is the bunq official document in case you have not seen it... I would check it: 🌈 https://together.bunq.com/d/18035-how-do-i-close-my-bunq-account
If you still have issues and none of the conditions apply, then you should contact bunq support via the bunq APP: 🌈 https://together.bunq.com/d/32181-how-do-i-contact-support
Sorry to see you leaving. Regards GG
Elke Hey 👋, You can either change your plan 🌈:
Or if you decide that you’d like to close your account, you can do so easily directly from My Subscription in your Profile.
Follow these steps: