Hey bunqers 🌈
Thinking of starting a business? Opening a business account with bunq is easy! No paperwork, no long lines at a physical branch, everything is in your app! You can even sign-up from the comfort of your home at any time, day or night!
At bunq, we’re always open and ready to help you get started right away. In less than 5 minutes, you can have access to amazing features and benefits that will make life easy 🙌
Join us today and open the best business account quickly and easily ✨
Note: If the verification of your Personal or Business account takes longer than 1 week, we’re going to give you an additional 30 days free trial as a gift.
What plans do we offer?
Who can open a bunq Business account?
If you wish to open a Business account with us, you can do so if:
- You are an authorized representative of the company.
- You are resident in the country where your business is registered.
- Your business is registered in the Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Austria, Belgium or Ireland.
How to open a new bunq Business account?
Opening a new business account is quick and easy! Just follow these easy steps below:
- Go to Home tab
- Tap on + Add
- Select Add Business and follow the flow!
What are the requirements of opening a Business account?
What are the accepted legal forms for opening a Business account?
What are the needed documents to open a Business account?
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