Sharing this info, in Q&A form for readability.
Q1: How many sub-accounts can one open with an Easy Money subscription?
25?! Well it depends, sometimes less. So, a better question would be:
Q2: How many sub-accounts can I have linked to my bunq account with an Easy Money subscription, before I get charged the extra 19 euros a month?
You can link 25, which includes:
- all your sub-accounts in your name (that includes savings-accounts)
- all your joint accounts (duh)
- 👉 Easy Investment account (pending or active; just to be explicit)
- 👉 incoming Connect accounts (it is irrelevant these accounts are not in your name)
- 👉 recently archived/closed sub-accounts in the last 60 days.
- (Your main IBAN account; some have named their first IBAN "Main-account" and it is perceived as something different from the "other sub-accounts". Just to be explicit: This one also counts towards the 25 and in my writing it is just another 'subaccount'.)
Q3: Where can I read how many sub-accounts or IBANs I have (linked) [that count towards my quota]?
As of now, you will have to count manually.
- If you use folders📂 with IBANs/subaccounts inside them, don't miscount.
- Secondly, you will have to go to Profile👤 > ⚙️ > Archived accounts. Check every account there. For every account which still has a button 'Reopen' in the ⚙️ menu, count it towards your limit. (Reopening is only an option for 60 days.)
You cannot see when the 60 days will pass nor when the account was closed. Only if you had a transaction on the last day from which you can infer the date.
- Thirdly, below your own section on the Home🏠 tab, incoming Connects are listed at the bottom. Include the number of sub-accounts there too. These IBANs might not be in your name, but they do count.
Q4: What happens if you pass the threshold/limit of 25?
If you pass it, you can see that in your future invoice (after an unknown-to-me period of time):
You can see Profile > ⚙️ > My subscription > Next invoice.
It will list "Additional monetary accounts", "Additional 25 IBANs (1x) 19 euro".
Q5: Will you be warned or informed when you cross or about to cross the threshold?
As far as I know, at 2022-06, you will not. If you ever get a (warning)screen, share screenshot.
Q6: Will you get a yes/no request like direct debet when bunq's invoice is charged?
No, charges by bunq itself do not require your approval like that.
There might be a dedicated notification switch for this charge and you can flip a switch to send the invoice to your e-mail automatically.
Q7: How do I stop the extra charge when having incoming Connect sub-accounts?
👉 After an incoming Connect is cancelled/disconnected, making the total number of (linked) subaccounts less or equal than 25, you can ask support to "disable the additional subscription of 25 additional IBANs".
💡 At the moment of writing your extra charge will not disappear automatically from the "Next Invoice" screen after disconnecting and you need help from support to do that.
Q8: How do I stop the extra charge of '25 additional IBANs' in general?
👉 The quickest way is to count all as explained in Q3, then determine if you have any incoming connects you can disconnect as this will have a quicker effect on your quota (Q7).
👉 However, if you have 26 active sub-accounts (of which some might be of the type joint) and you close 1 (or more) making them 'recently-archived sub-accounts', then technically, at the moment of writing, it would take 60 days before you actually go below the 25 limit again as these accounts still count until they cannot be reopened again.
⚠️ This means that even if support removes the charge on your request, the next day it will be simple added again by the system (at the moment of writing), because it detects you have more than 25 sub-accounts linked.
💡 It will be up to support if they can help you with this. (Perhaps new solutions have become available.)
- If anything that is written here is incorrect, please let me know.
- If you find (official) information about this topic elsewhere, please share the link.
- If you have more than 25 (IBANs + connects + recently-archived IBANs) within a single bunq-account and are you not charged the extra 19 euros a month? Please let me know, because that means contradicting information.
- I am sharing this because I was taken by surprise by certain aspects and it could save some users and support a lot of time if these "business rules" are clear.
- I learned it by interacting with support and using the app.
- Any claims made by bunq employees or moderator Jakob, obviously overrule my interpretation and Q&A representation.
[This was written on 22 juli 2022 and take note that these aspects could change.]